Neel Fairy / The Land of Fairies To Tell Tails

Land of Fairies to Tell tails

It is a land of inspirational beauty and supernatural views of the highest mountains. A symphony of nature unfolds within the embrace of the mountains, where pristine stones cascade down the rocky slopes their melodies harmonizing with the whispering winds.

Neel Fairy Altitude

Its attitude is 3,300 feet.

Neel Fairy distance from Islamabad

The distance from Islamabad to Neel Fairy is 250 km.

Neel Fairy distance from Muzaffarabad Azad Kashmir

The distance from Muzaffarabad Azad Kashmir to Neel Fairy is 162 Km.

Neel Fairy’s distance from Rawlakot

Its distance from Rawalakot is 97 km.

Neel Fairy distance from Bagh Azad Kashmir

Its distance from Bagh Azad Kashmir is 85 km.

Neel fairy distance from Farword Khota

Its distance from Forward Khota is 20 km.

Neel Fairy’s distance from Khursheed a bad

Its distance from Khursheed a bad is 5 km.

Neel Fairy Nearby visiting places

1. Hasi peer

2. Hillan Valley

3. Hillan waterfall

4. Aliabad

5. Palangi

6. Shero Dhara

7. Mehmood Gali

Importance of Neel fairy

Neel Fairy is a panoramic place with alluring beauties and stunning views. Neel Fairy meadows are on the top of mountains. Visitors find dark greenery and bluish lakes. Tall trees provide shadowy fascination ales where. Lush green patches decorated with natural colorful flowers add romantic beauty. Neel Fairy is situated on the foothill of the Be Dori peak.

Neel fairy meadows receive heavy snowfall in winter and open their arms and hearts for visitors only in summer. Neel fairy meadows are full of natural fruits and honey.

Neel fairy nearby Sharon

1. Baji Alif Deen

2. Baba Qaim Deen

Neel fairy Road conditions

Matteled road from Muzaffarabad to forward khota. The good road from forward Khota to Khursheed is worse than the hard road that can be traveled by 4 by 4 jeep only. 

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