Dao Khan-Land of Clouds And Rainbows

Dao Khan-land of clouds and rainbows

Dao Khan is the land of cool breezes in burning summers and a pleasantly cool place to enjoy fair weather. It is a place to touch fog and to meet walking clouds in an environment of flora and fauna

Distance of Dao Khan from Muzaffarabad and Neelum 

It is just about 79 kilometers away from Muzaffarabad. It is just a middle point on the road to Leepa.

Facilities in Dao Khan

On the way to Dao Khan, visitors find a widening valley, a flowing peaceful river, and a blue sky full of attractions and prevailing peace and serenity accompanied by the tranquility of its type. Passengers may have all types of good transport from Muzaffarabad, Hattiyan, Chinari, and Bagh. There is a good hotel and rest house owned by the government.

Dao khan attractions

Dao Khan is a desired destination for lovers of mountain lovers. It is a peak, a mountain, a valley, and a goal of dreams simultaneously. A newly constructed road that is well carpeted, wide, and clean. The travel to Dao Khan remains alongside the river Jehlum, and it moves amidst Jehlum Valley.

Dao Khan altitude

Its altitude is 2,490 meters.

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