Hillan Waterfall Milky & Foamy Waterfall

   Hillan waterfall cascading milk

Hillan Waterfall is the highest waterfall in Azad Kashmir. The height of Hillan Waterfall is approximately 180 feet. It offers fascinating spell-bonding scenes for nature and water lovers. The sheer force of the waterfalls decent creates a natural amphitheater where the symphony of water echoes off the cliffs.

Hillan Waterfall location

The Hillan waterfall is near the Neel Fairy district of Hawali. It can be reached from forward Khota city through a mettled road.

Hillan Waterfall Distance from Islamabad

It is 27km away from Islamabad.

Hillan Waterfall distance from Muzaffarabad

The Hillan waterfall distance from Muzaffarabad is 162km.

Hillan Waterfall distance from forward Khota

The Hillan waterfall distance from Forward Khota is 20km

Hillan Waterfall height

Hillan Waterfall is the highest waterfall in Azad Kashmir and its height is about 180 feet. It may be visited in the summer season for nature’s abundant beauty and prevailing high Land captivating scenes and in winter it becomes a statue of snow.

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