Tooli Peer The Alluring and captivating Hill

Tooli peer Alluring and captivating hill 

Tooli peer | Tooli Pir

Toli Peer is the highest peak of this range. It attracts nature lovers and adventurers simultaneously. Visitors find singing streams of falling water, smooth soft, and silky grass, blue skies, cool breeze, and silvery cloudy fogs in Tolli Peer. Stalwart trees are accompanied by fragrant wild fauna and flora. It is the origin of three different mountain ridges. There are remains of an ancient Mazar at the hilltop. It is a dream, destination of visitors from March to October and it receives heavy snowfall in winter. You will feel yourself on top of the world when you are in Tooli Peer. Each contour of the mountains is a stroke of nature’s artistic genius, painted with vibrant hues of green, brow, and grey, creating a breathtaking tapestry.

Tooli peer precautions& safety measures:

 It is a safe and secure area. Well protected and well cared for. Friendly people, and modern neighbors.

Toli peer distance & time required from Rawalpindi/Islamabad:

 The distance between Toli Peer from Rawalpindi is 143.4km. It takes 4 hours to get there.

Tooli peer distance & time to reach Rawalakot:

 The distance of Tooli Peer from Rawalakot is 30km. it takes 1 hour to get there.

Tooli peer distance & time required from Muzaffarabad:

The distance of Toli Peer from Muzaffarabad is 132.5 It Takes 4 hours to reach there.          

Tooli peer base camp

 Rawalakot is the base camp for Tolipeer. It is just 30 kilometers away from the desired destination.       

Tooli peer distance and time required from base camp

 The distance of Tooli Peer from Rawalakot is 30km. it takes 1 hour to get there.

Tooli peer Altitude

Tooli Peer is in the Hilly area and its altitude is about 9000 meters.

Tooli Peer weather

 June to August is a good time to visit during this season moderate climate can be availed.

Tooli peer Road conditions

 The road is single-track and just okay with ups and downs but accompanied by very beautiful scenes.

Tooli peer Paths to reach

 There are two paths to reach there.

1.Rawalakot to Farward Khota

2. Bagh to Forward Khota

Tooli Peer Hotels

 There are good hotels in Rawalakot, the base camp for this desired destination.

Tooli peer Restaurants

Fairly fair food points are available. You can enjoy several varieties of food there. 

Tooli peer Rest houses

It is just 1-hour drive from Rawalakot where are good rest houses and guest houses are available.

Toli peer Available facilities

  1. Hill climbing
  2. horse riding
  3. waking tracks.

Tooli peer Available entertainment

Horse riding, celestial beauty, and moonglade views

Tooli peer Hiking tracks

This is a vast hiking track for adventure lovers.

Tooli Peer Hill climbing

This is a hilly area and the highest peak in this area.

Toli peer Scenic beauty

Water is abundant. High stalwart trees are here to welcome you.

Tooli peer Special trees

The special trees in Tooli peer are Ancient bagnoo, pluder, tung, biarr, Bankhor.

Tooli peer Snowfall

Heavy snow falls here in winter and attracts adventure lovers to discover icy beauties.

Tooli peer Winter sports

hiking and skating are waiting for you.

Tooli peer Tourism friendly Police

Ajk tourism-friendly police are protecting you here. The police are civilized, polite, and ready for others’ comfort. 


Tooli Peer, is a land of lush green mountains surrounded by vast spreading meadows and sacred sceneries. There are stalwart, sky-touching, and green trees. One who visits wishes to be there for life.

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